Nishikei Inc. performs the development of products that considered about 10 years future.




It is a case which a substitution sheet type sticks and it shows. 


Exchange will be too easy if a pouch is carried out. 

It can stick on the windowpane of inside of a shop directly, and is the best for a notice out of a poster flier etc. 

It can be used length and horizontally -- both sides -- since it is transparent, it is ideal for a double-sided display. 

Receipts and payments of a paper are smooth at special cloth use. 


The card case which can be stuck1  250x169-26.jpg

A protection sheet on the back is removed.

Since the removed field is adhering, if it just considered it as smooth without unevenness, it can stick anywhere. 


The card case which can be stuck2  250x171-28.jpg
Please check the level as it is perpendicular, and stick. 
Since air may enter between sidewall and an adhesive face at this time, please extract.

The card case which can be stuck 3  250x156-30.jpg
The selected flier is inserted in stuck "the card case which can be stuck." 
"The card case which can be stuck" is clear -- since it is transparent, if it sticks on a glass side, it will indicate by double-sided. 

The card case which can be stuck4  250x164-24.jpg
It is the completion of installation now. 
The notice which has impact also from an inner side can be performed also from the outside. 
There is also no paste residue of a tape. 




05/23 2013 update
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